That post this morning about Duke doctors and Durham County’s bleeding hear socialist, er, social workers sticking their noses where they don’t belong by quizzing kids and parents about gun ownership apparently is part of a national propaganda effort by lefty docs and other nanny staters. Here’s the latest:

Last month’s Supreme Court ruling striking down a strict gun control law in the U.S. capital will lead to more deaths and accidental injuries, the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine said on Wednesday.

They joined a growing clamor from medical doctors, especially emergency room physicians, who fear a surge of accidental deaths, murders and suicides if handguns become more easily available than they already are.

Get that? A “growing clamor.” It’s always a growing clamor when the MSM pushes a liberal agenda item. I’m wondering why these same medical snoops don’t ask if you own a swimming pool. Check out these figures:

Unintentional firearm deaths ages 0-14 (according to the CDC) from 2000 to 2005: 412.

Unintentional drowning deaths from 2000 to 2005 ages 0-14: 4,993.

It’s not about saving lives, as they claim. It’s about disarming the people. Always has been.