Once again, the DOT appears to be the group most interested in campaigning by way of yard signs. They might have a greater impact if they could decide which candidate they endorse, rather than putting up signs for all three candidates in a race in some of their green triangles.

Former Asheville Vice Mayor Dr. Carl Mumpower used to have a problem with people wanting to make the laws of the land trying to win their offices by breaking the law. So concerned was Mumpower about this, a friend of his told me Mumpower had pulled yard signs off a vacant lot he didn’t realize the friend owned.

Another former Vice Mayor has problems with signs. He has signs of the candidate he endorses in front of his house, but in front of a vacant parcel owned by him and two other conservatives, signs for that candidate’s opponent have been placed. It could be the owners are engaging in a dirty trick to get people who killed the development with the political process to think something is fishy with their man. (The woodsmen in the area appear to really like the long-shot third candidate in the race.) The same vice mayor a couple years ago, had a ton of signs for candidates I knew he wouldn’t endorse on another commercial parcel he owns. I didn’t bother to ask, I just escorted the signs to the dumpster.