An article in The Mountaineer reads like a hidden picture from Highlights Magazine. It introduces the study, “North Carolina’s Economic Imperative: Building an Infrastructure of Opportunity.” How many perversions of tradition can you find subtly stated? Here are a few I found:
The report includes a roadmap communities can follow to create better opportunities, particularly for low-income, first-generation and minority students. (Premise: Centralized planning is good.)
The report . . . found communities building an infrastructure of opportunity that moves people toward better paying occupations and can be replicated statewide. (Premise: Government should direct employment.
The report . . . was commissioned [to] promote systemic change through collaboration among government, businesses and communities. (Premise: Government needs to be involved in business.)
“The most important takeaway is that family-sustaining jobs require more than a high school diploma, so we must do everything we can to help more people attain post-secondary credentials and degrees that align with workforce needs.” (Premises: Government should control wages; and morons even if they’re as thick as I am must increase the federal deficit with unpayable student loans to study things like diversity and feminism and still not be able to read, write, or cipher.)
The study . . . profiles innovative efforts to boost mobility. (Premise: Government should control the economy with a master plan.)
Latinos and African-Americans are more likely than whites to be in poverty . . . (Premise: If you don’t go along with this study, you’re a racist.)
A family of one parent and one child needs an income of $21 an hour to cover basic living expenses in North Carolina. (Premises: People ought not get married anymore to have kids, and divorce is normal. Corollary: Families don’t need daddies. They need Uncle Sam to pay for food and groceries. Kids don’t need discipline, they need to go to daycare for brainwashing in the PC du jour, and then run wild with the other neighborhood delinquents when mom’s working second shift.)
“One key piece of the solution is that corporations and businesses need to play a bigger role in working with educators, government and community organizations . . .” (Premise: Business cannot survive without government and community organizers.)