Greensboro’s George Cole weighs in on our colorful Guilford County commissioners in this N&R letter to the editor:

It is Thursday night and here I am watching one of the best sitcoms on television, also known as the Guilford County commissioners meeting. I guess that a county without a county manager operates like this one. This meeting appears to be addressing everything that county staff should take care of.

You could almost say that calling commissioners’ meetings a ‘sitcom’ is a compliment. At least it’s entertaining. In that case, what do you call Board of Education meetings? How about a documentary on shellfish reproduction?

I was watching Top Chef last night and flipped over to a replay of Tuesday night’s meeting during the commericals. The board was discussing standard mode of dress (SMOD) policy and it was —- I’ve used this word before —- excruciating. As a speaker was addressing the board, I could see the N&R’s Brian Ewing and the Rhino’s Paul Clark sitting behind, struggling to stay awake. God bless ’em. The only question is whether or not the SMOD discussion was more exciting than the debate over what to do with cafeteria leftovers.

This is really, really, cynical, but sometimes I think they make this stuff so boring that no one will pay attention, then they can do what they want.