This is on UNC-Chapel Hill’s “Listserv for UNC’s Progressive Community”:

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 3:45-4:45

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING – 910 RALEIGH RD (just outside of UNC campus, take South Rd, which will turn into Raleigh Rd)

The UNC-Board of Governors (BoG), “the policy-making body legally charged with ‘the general determination, control, supervision, management, and governance of all affairs of the constituent institutions,'” is holding its monthly meeting at the General Administration Building on UNC’s campus. While the BoG has the ability to push for discussion on low wage workers and actually make positive changes relating to their issues, it has been deafeningly silent on these issues, instead giving chancellors a twelve percent pay raise.

UE-150, the public service workers union which represents workers on the UNC-CH campus as well as on other UNC campuses, has called a press conference at 4:15, just as the meeting will be concluding.

Student Action with Workers is calling all who support the workers in their struggle to picket the BoG at 3:45 and then support UE at its press conference. Bring signs [representing your groups, if appropriate] expressing your disappointment with the BoG and your support for and solidarity with the low-paid workers at UNC.

Gosh, maybe UNC should take a cue from IBM and emancipate their wage slaves. (The linked article deftly illustrates the folly of socialist wage-grousing ? something the UNC curriculum obviously isn’t doing.)