Turns out that longitudinal study that “found” that whiny kids grow up to be conservatives, was… are you ready for this…carried out at a daycare center open ONLY to Cal profs, who, as a group, were named the most liberal professors in America. As one person said on Michelle Malkin’s site, “it was the liberal parents that made their kids whiny to begin with.”
it’s making more sense. The “findings” were counter-intuitive in the
first place. After all, liberals are Alan Alda and conservatives are
John Wayne. How does that square with the “whiny” hypothesis? Liberals
like womb-like social guarantees while conservatives like to risk
things in the market to get rich. How does this square with the
original “findings”? Polls continually show conservatives to be happier
than liberals. How does this square with the “whiny kid becomes a
conservative” finding? Quite simply, it doesn’t. These “researchers”
should be drummed out of social sciences and their methodology cards