Lowes Hotel CEO Jonathan Tisch spoke at Duke Tuesday about “social action” and corporate responsibility. His message is that business leaders — and Average Joe citizens — should seek to become a “citizen lawyer, a citizen doctor, a citizen teacher.”

So far I’m on board with Mr. Tisch. Many folks already do what he’s advocating — and have for generations — by donating time, money, and brainpower to civic groups, churches, and non-profits. What I find disappointing about the story, however, is that there’s no mention of the incredible and vital contribution that business leaders already make to society — the jobs they create, the benefits they provide, and the products and services they innovate and market. I hope the story just failed to discuss this aspect of “social action.” Unfortunately, this contribution is often dismissed or denigrated and that defies logic and fact.

Bottom line: the work of entrepreneurs and business leaders IS social action.