Refreshing and upsetting is a tale about Folkmoot. The colorful parade of talented dancers from numerous countries is a popular tourist event in Waynesville each summer. Unfortunately, the pool of performers is limited by visa restrictions. Performers have to start the bureaucratic process at least seven months in advance and pay bureaucracy fees on top of exorbitant airfare. It is not unusual for groups to drop out. Last-minute cancellations can be replaced with ethnic dancers from New Jersey.

It is claimed the bureaucratic headache is reactionary to the American people’s demand for stricter immigration enforcement. It is not likely a highly-disciplined and talented dancer is going to sit around in public housing and whine and vote for an expansion of the welfare state. In fact, very, very few of the performers appeal to their governments for assistance with the expensive journey to North Carolina.

Extra Credit Question: How does clamping and punishing the easy meat trying to play by the rules, with harsher rules touted as designed to control those who will not be held accountable for flaunting their disobedience, lead to prosperity?