From Rasmussen Reports come disturbing poll results about the success of the Left’s assault on capitalism, markets, and CEOs.
69% have an unfavorable view of CEOs
27% have a favorable view of CEOs
Let’s see. The dastardly CEOs provide jobs, myriad benefits, and advancement opportunities to workers, an array of products and services to consumers, retirement income to men and women from all walks of life, research and development of cutting-edge technology and products in virtually every industry you can think of, and they’re the bad guys?
There is a reason that America is the land of opportunity and the place that people from all over the world are trying to reach. America — the most prosperous land on the face of the earth — would not exist as we know it, if not for capitalism, free markets, and the opportunity to follow our dreams.
My word, folks, none of this would be possible without the innovative risk-takers and leaders known as CEOs. We should be thanking them.