Great. CMS is back on its Close the Washington Monument response to fiscal constraints, save a whopping $1.3m. by killing off middle school sports.

Anticipating this gambit, youth coaches and parents have tried for months to give CMS alternatives to the current top-down approach. No dice.

CMS sports czarina Vicki Hamilton has declared that all middle schools will offer the same sports — period. More:

“We’re not going to fund 14 schools that happen to be located on a certain side of Charlotte,” she said.

This from the woman who turned down thousands of dollars of free Nike gear for Independence High’s football team, does not surprise. But Hamilton’s stance is one more little tick, another finger on the scale for suburban Meck parents to bolt from CMS for private schools or to places like Union County where — horrors! — booster clubs handle the majority of middle school sports.

Something tells me that Hamilton and her clique of social levelers would love such a development. More power for them, less push back from parents who love their children.