And probably that, too. The N&R reports that the controversial former Oak Ridge Military Academy basketball coach —-who’s facing a huge fine from the SEC —- is stripping his Greensboro home:

Neighbors in the upscale Henson Farm neighborhood say Kowalewski held several weekend “estate sales” during the past month or so, apparently in connection with moving his family recently to Pawleys Island, S.C.

The most recent sale took place Saturday. The people running it said only moveable household furnishings such as dressers were for sale.

“It’s a problem because I have seen kitchen cabinets and all kinds of stuff that you would normally associate with an existing house being taken out,” said Peter Heineman, who lives near Kowalewski and serves on the neighborhood association’s board.

“It’s one of the better properties in the neighborhood, then they leave us with the burden of disposing of a house that’s been compromised.”

Remember the purchase of the home represented an “investment” for Kowalewski’s clients, who stand to lose millions.