Joel Stein‘s latest installment of TIME‘s humbly named “The Awesome Column” seeks humor in the debate over the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. Note in the final quoted line the subtle dig at mainstream media efforts to project “objectivity.”
I understand why liberals give money to candidates, since they believe in Big Government. It seems far more strange for conservatives to donate money to politicians so that the government will spend less money. But either way, people believe the government is so powerful that donating to help nudge it a bit left or right will have a far bigger impact than their money could alone. …
… I still don’t trust either candidate enough to make the changes I believe in, so I’m going to keep giving money directly to charity instead. Luckily, journalists at Time aren’t allowed to donate to campaigns, since it would imply partisanship, even though we are apparently allowed to write columns featuring only superliberal Hollywood types.