These indeed must be tough times for Guilford County Commissioner Steve Arnold if he softened up enough to speak with the N&R for this morning’s (unposted) editorial:

Arnold and his development company, Arcon, are defendents in three lawsuits, the News & Record reported last week. In each case, the plaintiffs claim to be owed thousands of dollars.

These matters “will be taken care of to everyone’s satisfaction,” Arnold said. But, in more than 20 years as a High Point city councilman, state legislator and commissioner, “I don’t know if I’ve had a tine like this.”

But whatever Arnold’s problems are, he needs to get over them and assert himself more. While fellow Commissioner Billy Yow certainly is a plain-spoken voice for conservatism, he needs all the help he can get, considering the fact that such voices are considerably lacking among all of Guilford County’s elected bodies. Arnold’s oratory has always been the perfect compliment to Yow’s down-home manner, but it’s been MIA in recent months. So Arnold either needs to help lead or get out of the way. Just showing up and pushing the button isn’t getting it.