John Stossel’s column today is right on target. Subject: Obamacare and how to argue against it. He correctly observes that over the top blasts like Palin’s “death panels” comment help the other side, by making it easier for them to dismiss all criticism. Let’s not make Brad Woohouse’s job of seducing people into this monster any easier.

There are no doubt plenty of ugly details buried in the legislation, but in this instance, the devil is NOT in the details. The devil is in the whole conception that politicizing health care will make it better and more affordable. The whole of human experience argues against that ridiculous notion. On the contrary, putting politicians and bureaucrats in charge of anything — education, housing, agriculture, the delivery of mail, etc. — leads to increasing costs, declining service, and the loss of freedom to search for better options. That’s why I reject Obamacare and any “reform” that moves toward increasing government control.