As we’ve been trying to say for years now, student fees would have to go up to pay for the UNCC football effort. This is because all UNCC athletics are already heavily dependent on student fees for funding.
I figure if students — and their parents — want to pay the extra dough for football, let ’em. I don’t know that would be my choice and I am more than a little scared of letting AD Judy Rose near a football program, but still. A properly run football operation — low travel costs, lotsa cannon fodder big payday games — might even run in the black. Certainly the current BCS rules encourage the power teams to sked multiple cupcakes, a role UNCC could fill at least at first.
But watch the no-nothings come out of the woodwork to throw up a false academics vs. athletics canard. UNCC already opted for athletics over academics with its current funding scheme. It can either double-down with football, or fall back to the Southern Conference and regroup.