There was this old thing called property rights. That is, if somebody were to drill away subterranean fluids from under my house making it collapse, they would be held liable. Therefore, anybody trying to drain away the fluids would find it more lucrative to abstain from fracking rather than paying damages.

Well, that’s stupid. What we really need is a management plan; local codes and ordinances; construction, operational, and waste regulatory programs galore; public disclosure of everything but trade secrets; civilian dictation of acceptable technical operations; liability assessment and lots of lawyers; and politicization, politicization, and politicization.

Most importantly, the lefty, greenie, awareness agenda calls for “identification of a source of funding for repair of roads damaged by truck traffic and heavy equipment.” In other words, rather than sticking it to “the man” who caused it all, it becomes more lefty, greenie, and conscious to stick the cost of poor calculation to all of us.