I ate dinner up at Brightleaf Square last night. Parked in front of Morgan Imports was a car with a bumper sticker that said, “I support the troops by opposing any more of their senseless deaths.” That kind of support our troops don’t need. That’s sort of like the house on Dacian in Trinity Park that enthusiastically keeps a tally in 2-foot numbers of deaths in the War on Terror. I’m sure they think they’re supporting the troops, too.

The left understood, as this war started, that they made a huge mistake during the Vietnam War by demonizing all servicemen. Years later they claimed not to have done this, but those who lived through it know different. Now Bill Kristol puts the lie to all the recent left-wing troop supporting in his latest column:

How can you say with a straight face that you support the troops while advancing legislation that would undercut their mission and strengthen their enemies?

You can’t. So those on the cutting edge of progressive opinion are beginning to give up on even pretending to support the troops. Instead, they now slander the troops.

Everyone, including the bumper sticker owner and the number hangers on Dacian, should read the whole thing.