N&R columnist Susan Ladd goes off on Sen. Trudy Wade as her bill restructuring the Greensboro City Council works its way through the legislature:

Queen Trudy demonstrated this week that she is determined to win by any means possible. If she can’t win fair and square, she will cheat.

These are not the actions of someone serving the public. These are the actions of a dictator bent on forcing her will onto an unwilling constituency.

This is the neutering of democracy.

The disdain and disregard Sen. Trudy Wade has shown to her constituents — and to the other members of the Guilford delegation — deserve an equally disdainful response at the ballot box.

Regardless of how SB 36 comes out, Wade needs to be shown in no uncertain terms that her actions do not reflect the will of Guilford County voters.

It won’t be easy. Thanks to Republican gerrymandering, she’s in a solidly Republican district — so much so that no Democrat even bothered to run against her in 2014.

Last November, I remember standing at the voting machine, staring in disgust at the only choice before me. Given only the option of voting for Wade, I opted not to vote in that race at all.

I’d vote for Alfred E. Neuman before I’d vote for Trudy Wade, and that was before SB 36.

After the way she has conducted herself this session, I’d think that MAD magazine mascot would have a decent shot in the next election.

Geez, tell us how you really feel girlfriend. Strikes me odd there’s so much anger seething underneath someone with such a strong belief in government-mandated social justice. For the sake of argument, envision government successfully instituting social justice and (while we’re at it) world peace —would it still be good enough for angry liberals like Susan Ladd?

Meanwhile, former N&R editor John Robinson says Gov. Pat McCrory is a loser, speculating—among other things —that “governor (and staff) doesn’t know how to throw the sharp elbows necessary to get things done in politics.”

Let’s be real here —anyone who read JLF sister blog Meck deck while McCrory was Charlotte mayor should know the dude is no waving right winger, know matter how much want to brand him as such when suits their point of view.

Interesting how the front page of yesterday’s N&R depicted Wade making sausage, which is what politics is all about. Bills take on different forms, legislators override executive vetoes. Yet when it when it’s not working the way they see fit, liberals make it a moral issue, claim it’s the “neutering of democracy.” A lot of things haven’t gone the way I see it the last several years—trust me I’s give Alfred E. Neuman serious consideration over any number of Democratic candidates. But hey —it’s politics—-care at risk to your own mental health.