This week’s Asheville City Council agenda expresses recurring themes. These themes are repeated by government agents, but they defy logic. The city has a budget deficit. It is trying to patch it by applying for matching grants from the federal deficit. Moneys from the federal government are free because Ashevillians somehow don’t pay federal taxes and somehow devaluation of the dollar caused by increased supply does not happen in Asheville. Furthermore, forging dependencies on public and private entities to give money to the city, even if the city has to dredge up a few hundred thousand dollars to match each grant, is considered “sustainable” and “fiscally responsible.”

Expanding the concept of partnering, the city is going to attempt to exert its authority over twelve new territories and exact tribute through the gentlemanly form of conquest known as involuntary annexation. The city is putting additional territories, with a combined area equal to about ¾ its current acreage, on notice for potential annexation. A staff report claims a Resolution of Consideration (a name so meaningless citizens can only be suspicious) is “beneficial” in that it allows government to more easily enact involuntary annexations. Who are they working for, anyway?