A recent audit of Swain County’s budget strongly recommended a tax hike. The county’s fund balance has fallen substantially below the level required by the Local Government Commission. The county has lost revenue from decreased sales taxes and construction inspections. In recent years, it built a huge jail, but clientele are being shipped to other counties. Astonishingly, the fewer number of prisoners managed to consume 50% more in groceries than previous cohorts. The sheriff’s department credit card also managed to purchase “several personal type items.” Already the county has decided to close for five days of employee furloughs.
Commissioners Steve Moon and David Monteith said they would not vote to raise taxes. County Manager Kevin King intends to educate staff on pinching pennies. Swain County Republican Party Chair Mike Clampitt thought it cruel to furlough employees in December when the budget crisis had been avoidable.
“You spent money hand over first for the last three years,” said Clampitt. “There’s no two ways about it.”