
Greensboro Mayor Yvonne Johnson launches her re-election campaign. From a flyer picked up at the Greensboro Farmers’ Market:

You Are Invited To

‘Sweets for the Sweet’
Desserts and Entertainment
Campaign Kick Off Fundraiser

Mayor Johnson, however, wasn’t so sweet during a City Council briefing session earlier in the week:

Mayor Yvonne Johnson slapped the table and yelled at City Councilmember Mike Barber at the City Council briefing on Tuesday, May 26, in the plaza level conference room of city hall.

What offense had Barber committed to draw such an angry response from Johnson, who allows most councilmembers and speakers at meetings to do as they please? Barber had committed the unforgivable sin of requesting information about reopening the White Street Landfill.

N&R editorial page editor Allen Johnson has more on the White Street landfill, reminding us that the Nealtown Farms neighborhood across the street is city-subsidized. What can I say, more evidence of what happens when government gets involved in housing.