Following an epidemic of gang-related homicides toward the end of last year, Asheville is adjusting its priorities.
Two Constitutional lawyers don’t think the city is going to get away with the ordinance it just passed requiring businesses to follow the US code for flying American flags.
Now, it would seem that no local authority has the power to override the US code, unless they wanted to make it more stringent. One of the lawyers, however, argued the ordinance infringed on free speech. He said if one could burn a flag, they should be able to fly it anyway they wanted. That would no doubt include flying it red with a hammer and sickle.
The lawyer also stated that a law that applied fairly to all signs would not be un-Constitutional. We’re talking about laws that say all movie marquees have to have the standard in the left upper corner, and ribbons and table dressings can’t be made out of gas price signs. All signs must also have thirteen stripes, and be saluted by members of the armed forces when carried about. Grocery store signs cannot be displayed higher than garage sale signs if the merchandisers are at peace with one another.
One good thing that may come out of the lawsuit is the revenues taxpayers will contribute to stimulate the law market. It is one of the only thriving sectors remaining in the local economy.