The National Law Journal has a report about a Miami criminal defense lawyer who is taking no chances with COVID-19:
When Miami criminal defense attorney Samuel J. Rabin Jr. got out of his car and began walking down the street in a full hazmat suit, gloves, respirator mask and face shield, two police officers pulled up, rolled down their car window and said, “Is there something we should be worrying about?”
“I’ve got to go to court,” Rabin told them.
Rabin was on his way to the federal courthouse in Miami for a sentencing hearing after his client was denied a continuance — and he wasn’t about to risk catching or spreading COVID-19.
Apparently his outfit was generally well received:
Inside the federal courthouse, Rabin says he was met with assorted exclamations of “I don’t blame you, man!” from court security officers and marshals.
Rabin’s friend and colleague … posted … a photo of him in the hazmat suit, and says it was doing the rounds on LinkedIn and Twitter before long. The photo also appeared on David Oscar Markus’ Southern District of Florida blog with the title “Sam Rabin is a legend.”
“It would have been a nice touch if he had worn a tie on the outside of the hazmat suit,” Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Miguel M. de la O commented on Twitter.
You’ve got to admit, it’s a good look: