The legislative Democrats writing the state budget have been told they’ve got an “extra” $150 million. Guess what — they’re planning to spend it. Providing relief to the people paying the freight evidently isn’t even a consideration. While this isn’t a surprise, it should remind every hardworking North Carolinian that powerful state government leaders put taxpayers at the very bottom of the list of priorities — if we make the list at all. Consider these comments made to AP by leaders such as Rep. Jim Crawford (D-Granville) (emphasis is mine). From the Herald-Sun:
Crawford also said Gov. Beverly Perdue’s budget office has told them they’ll have $20 million more in federal stimulus money next year than previously believed for education. That means state funds being replaced by federal money can be used to fill other holes.
The House budget approved earlier this month projected using $413 million in stimulus money for the public schools.
Lawmakers have been meeting off and on since last week, attempting to put together a final spending package that also likely will raise taxes.
The additional money hasn’t changed the previously announced directions to negotiators to assemble a tax package that increase revenues by more than $900 million for the year starting July 1 and $1.3 billion the following year.
Keep in mind, the tax hikes that appear to be inevitable will hit us when the state’s unemployment rate is 11.1 percent. JLF’s Joe Coletti explains why tax hikes are exactly the wrong policy.