The National Tax Payers Union has released its Congressional ratings, and North Carolina’s delegation comes in somewhere in the “D” range at 41% (a “C” is 50% or better)
In the House, only Foxx, McHenry, and Myrick (highest at 71%) rated an A, while Butterfield, Etheridge, Miller, Price, and Watt all fell in the “Big Spender” category (all of them 15% or less).
The Senate looks better, though — A for Burr at 76%, B for Dole at 68%.
Butterfield, G…….. F ……… 14%
Coble, H………….. B- …….. 59%
Etheridge, B………. F ……… 13%
Foxx, V…………… A ……… 70%
Hayes, R………….. C+……… 55%
Jones, W………….. B ……… 62%
McHenry, P………… A ……… 70%
McIntyre, M……….. D ……… 27%
Miller, B ………… F ……… 9%
Myrick, S…………. A ……… 71%
Price, D………….. F ?…….. 12%
Taylor, C…………. C+……… 56%
Watt, M…………… F ……… 15%
State Average………………… 41%
Burr, R…………… A ……… 76%
Dole, E…………… B ……… 68%
State Average………………….72%