Moe Tucker, former drummer for the Velvet Underground, dropping a bomb among the hipster set with some fairly detailed background on why she was spotted at a Tea Party rally in 2009:

No country can provide all things for all citizens. There comes a point where it just isn’t possible, and it’s proven to be a failure everywhere it’s been tried. I am not oblivious to the plight of the poor, but I don’t see any reason/sense to the idea that everyone has to have everything, especially when the economy is so bad. I see that philosophy as merely a ploy to control. … I do my own protesting via email and postcards. Anyone who thinks I’m crazy about Sarah Palin, Bush, etc. has made quite the presumption. I have voted Democrat all my life, until I started listening to what Obama was promising and started wondering how the hell will this utopian dream land be paid for? For those who actually believe that their taxes won’t go up in order to pay for all this insanity: good luck!

Oh, and Tucker is a grandma of an 8-year-old grandson. Makes sense to me.