thanks easter bunny

Big Energy (the “morally correct” Big Energy, that is, the one that is allowed to raise rates on the poor captured ratepayers and engage in the worst of cronyism without upsetting the media, who usually dislike cronyism by Republicans) has a new ad out.

The ad, by the N.C. Sustainable Energy Association — the ones who said that the state reaps over $19 dollars for every dollar “invested” in renewable energy, which is either one of the grandest whoppers in North Carolina politics this century or a highly effective shibboleth for the easily guiledthanks 23 North Carolina legislators it credits with stopping energy reform in North Carolina and preserving state mandates for admittedly unworkable, admittedly high-cost renewable energy sources like solar.

The list includes 14 Republicans and 9 Democrats. They are:

Republicans Democrats
Senator Tommy Tucker

Senator Wesley Meredith

Senator Fletcher Hartsell

Senator Brent Jackson

Senator Jeff Tarte

Senator Jerry Tillman

Senator Austin Allran

Senator Neal Hunt

Representative Nelson Dollar

Representative Tom Murry

Representative Charles Jeter

Representative Linda Johnson

Representative Tim Moore

Representative Ruth Samuelson

Senator Daniel Clodfelter

Senator Joel Ford

Senator Gene McLaurin

Senator Josh Stein

Representative Kelly Alexander

Representative Michael Wray

Representative Susi Hamilton

Representative Ed Hanes

Representative Rodney Moore






Here is what they favor, along with pleasing the green crony lobby: