Tim James, Republican candidate for governor of Alabama, produced a TV ad that said that it’s a waste of time and money for the Alabama drivers license test to be given in 12 languages. He promised to only give it in English if he is elected governor. In something other than the insane PC universe we’re living, this would be imminently sensible.

Well, the video of the ad has gone viral as lefties who want to ridicule Tim take a look at it, and conservatives who think he’s proposed something reasonable want to see it, too.

It didn’t take long for The New York Times to get into the demonizing game. In an editorial they have termed Tim a “Know Nothing” and an heir to Willie Stark. How’s that for outrageous hyperbole?

In the interest of full disclosure, I worked for Tim’s dad, Fob James, serving as his press secretary during his first term. I knew Tim then as a 17-year-old football star (takes after his dad). I have a good friend, Bradley Byrne, who also is a fine candidate running in the Republican primary for governor. Bradley, a Duke grad, worked in Fob’s campaign in 1977-78 while in law school at the University of Alabama.

I don’t know how this primary will turn out, but it’s clear that Tim had got the edge on national publicity, including high-profile visibility on major conservative blogs. Whether it helps or hurts him, time will tell. But in this era of Tea Party anger over big government intruding into our lives, I have to think it won’t hurt.

UPDATE: Of course, The New York Times conveniently forgot to point out that nine other states currently give drivers license tests only in English. James pointed that out in an interview with the Alabama media.