If you don?t like to read about ?dead white males,? you?ll want to skip Anthony Esolen?s new volume in Regnery?s PIG series: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization.
Esolen takes aim squarely at secular collectivists, as in this passage discussing the century of world wars and communist slaughters:
[H]ere is the most politically incorrect thing I can say about the twentieth century: The history of the last 100 to 150 years is the sorry tale of the growth of the State, and of the State?s toadies in education, mass media, and mass entertainment, encouraging the community-dissolving individualism of desire (in the West; in the East people did not even get that), at the expense of the individualism of competence. It is a war of the individual now seen as a random atom of sovereign choice, united with the almighty State, against their common enemies in the middle: the family, the community, national heritage, and the liberty they depended upon and fostered.
Other PIG volumes that have offered valuable information include those targeting capitalism, the Constitution, and English and American literature.