Jim Geraghty of National Review Online offers a simple way for Americans to decide what should happen to President Trump.
If Donald Trump’s presidency is going to end before 2025, it should end at the ballot box.
A lot of what has been revealed by Trump’s desire to see Ukraine investigate Joe and Hunter Biden — or at least publicly announce an investigation — merely confirms character traits, instincts, and habits that have been on display since Trump was inaugurated, if not dating back to the campaign and his whole public life. …
… Any American voter who was paying attention could figure all this out, and enough Americans in enough states voted to make Trump president anyway. If you don’t like that outcome, blame whoever you like for that. If enough Republican voters had united around one non-Trump alternative, Trump would not have won the Republican nomination. If enough anti-Trump voters of any party had united around one alternative candidate in the general election, Trump would not have become president. The American people knew what they were getting when it came to Trump and they voted for him anyway. …
… If 20 Republican senators join with 47 Democrats and say to the American people,”‘No, you are not allowed to have that choice, we have decided that this presidency cannot continue and that you are not permitted to render your own judgment a year from now,” a significant percentage of Americans will be apoplectically angry, and with good reason.
Trump’s actions and statements are obvious and clear. If they are self-evidently serious enough to warrant ending his presidency, then the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee shouldn’t need to conduct focus groups in key House battleground districts testing messages related to impeachment, as they have in recent weeks; the president’s attempt to strong-arm the Ukrainian government should be sufficient to defeat him in the general election.