There’s something galling about tax-cheat Timothy Geithner writing rules for the rest of us:

Under orders to move quickly on the faltering economy, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to unveil new rules Tuesday to limit special-interest influence involving the $700 billion financial rescue program.

The new rules are designed to crack down on lobbyist influence over the rescue program, according to an administration official with knowledge of the changes.

Geithner’s tax troubles are buried in this story, which includes lots of rhetorical cover for his cheating by fellow Democrats:

However, Geithner’s supporters said that he had now paid the back taxes plus interest and that Obama deserved to have someone of Geithner’s skills in financial crisis management leading the new administration’s efforts.

Funny how it didn’t work that way for Bernard Kerik. Oh, wait. He was a Republican.

UPDATE: Ten Republicans voted to confirm Geithner as Treasury Secretary yesterday. What, pray, were they thinking? Even Robert “Sheets” Byrd voted against Timothy “Cheats” Geithner, saying:

“Had [Geithner] not been nominated for Treasury secretary, it’s doubtful that he would have ever paid these taxes.”