I was gonna ignore a crazed email rant sent to local government officials last night, but the Jack Perry edit in the Uptown paper of record — Temper foreign policy expectations — created one of those Jungian moments I have to acknowledge.

Simply put, the expectations for Barack Obama’s presidency are off-the-charts. As Perry tries to tease out, Obama supporters expecting a quick exit from Iraq are headed for massive disappointment. We’ve already seen Detroit’s expectation’s of a quick post-election bailout crushed. And the other day we saw the hysterical “plan” unveiled by CATS to depend on Obama to deliver billions the system needs to do what it promised taxpayers it could and would do.

But that is all semi-sane. Take a look at what at least one local resident expects of the Obama administration. “The Obama Administration will be OFFICIALLY contacted and made aware of how Charlotte-Mecklenburg County is BLATANTLY practicing Racial Discrimination as it relates to Property Taxation and the Re-Segregation of our local Public Schools,” the email starts. It goes on in the same vein for quite some time, whole thing here.

Now, do I think this stuff representative of the way most Obama supporters think? No. But any honest observer has to see that the list of things — of wrongs — Obama is now expected to fix is totally disconnected from reality. How folks react to being forced to confront that reality is very much an open question. It may not be pretty.

Update: And in case you missed it, some anti-crazy from our in-house budget guru. Topic, Bev and bailouts. Also not pretty.