Nuther clip-n-save quote from QC officialdom on our land-use goals. The topic is tear-downs and “McMansion” infill development in close-in neighborhoods like Plaza Midwood and Elizabeth. Neighborhood association types are concerned the in-fill development will destroy the character of existing neighborhoods. To which Charlotte city councilwoman Nancy Carter replies:

“But we have to consider both sides of this,” she said. “We need to protect our neighborhoods’ quality of life, but we also have to encourage dense development closer to uptown.”

See folks, you had a chance to amend or even halt Charlotte’s de facto Portlandization by voting to junk the half-cent transit tax and start over. But you did not. So you are stuck trying to beg, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, special zoning favors to halt the density our planning czars have decreed.

Good luck with that.

Bonus Observation: We know Dilworth will get special treatment, it always does. I therefore renew my demand that whatever “protections” extending to existing development in Dilworth also be extended to every neighborhood as a matter of basic fairness.