While you are working hard to take care of yourself and your family, there are people who have no qualms stealing taxpayer money. It amounted to $103 million in 2012. Case in point: Washington D.C. city employee Eugene Weatherford.
He had been depositing government checks both from OPM and the Social Security Administration made out to his mother dating back to her death in 1999, records show.
Ron Machen, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, announced on Monday that Weatherford had received a sentence of 14 months in prison and was ordered to pay nearly $350,000 in restitution.
Shameful. So who is this guy?
Weatherford’s attorney, Thomas Abbenante, wrote in a separate memo that his client “is truly sorry for what he has done” and that he will lose his job as a D.C. city employee. Court records show he was employed with the D.C. government’s departments of human services and public works since 2001.