This is a wonderful little article from the latest Environment and Climate News (Heartland Institute) by UVA climatologist Pat Michaels, disarming the global warming alarmists. In particular he exposes the fraud in claiming that we are all going to be washed away by rising sea levels caused by melting ice caps. Pat provides us with some solid ammunition for quieting the alarmists among us. And the great thing is that since they only come prepared to proclaim dogma and repeat propaganda, they never know quite what to do when you hit them with actual data. For example, Pat points out that not only are temperatures in Antrctica falling but that, “last year, C.H. Davis published a paper in Science about how this accumulating snowfall over eastern Antarctica was reducing sea level rise. This year, Duncan Wingham, at the 2005 Earth Observations summit in Brussels, demonstrated the phenomenon is being observed all over Antarctica.” At the other end of the globe Pat notes that, “in October, using satellite altimetry, O.M. Johannessen published a remarkable finding in Science that the current trend in Greenland ice is a gain of 5.4 cm (two inches) per year.”