I warned you guys that this gang bill crap was a massive smoke-screen for more urban social spending, not a get tough on crime measure. Now comes the revelation that state courts will probably take a $4.3 million hit in order to help fund the $10 million gang “prevention” bill.

Those crooks in Raleigh — what did you think they would do? Why would they respond to public concerns over crime? There is nothing like a majority of the General Assembly in a competitive race in November.

But you have to feel sorry for Pat McCrory, getting frozen out of the all-Demo coming out party for the gang bill, “his” issue. Jack Hawke has it all backwards. You do not want Pat on the inside trying to take credit for the bill — you want him on the outside blasting the thing. Then storm off.

People forget that the signature event that propelled Newt Gingrich from bomb-thrower to leader was walking on Poppy Bush’s sham of a budget. McCrory needs that kind of daring vision.