Here are my two cents in the great voucher debate.  

Politics is a game of risk. If you are not willing to take a risk, don’t play the game.

Politics is never over.  Once vouchers, charters, tax deductions, etc are passed the opponents will use every political and legal means possible to destroy them, regulate them, etc.

Politics is also about building political power.  Supporters of school choice of all types must be in it for the long run and be willing to build constituencies that will fight to defend and expand the programs. If you don’t believe that you can build enough political power to defend and expand them, maybe you should should not pass them in the first place.  This also means that creating enough political power to destroy the public school system is also out of the question.  You are stuck with the status quo.

As I said at the beginning, politics is a game of risk.  If you are not willing to take a risk, don’t play the game.