A protest sign slams Venezuela, but it also reflects poorly on the United States. The Hondureños are warding off a budding leftist tyrant through their meticulous devotion to their constitution, which Mel Zelaya was openly flouting, and are persevering in the face of Chavez, Castro, Ortega and another prominent leftist head of state in the region who are, predictably, calling for his reinstatement.

Here, the current regime is federalizing and czarifying all over the place at a feverish pace of consolidating state power in the face of the U.S. Constitution and individual rights. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments may as well not exist; the First is moribund; the Second is always in their sights; even the Fourteenth may be imperiled if recent judicial nominations are any indication. Americans need to defend these great bulwarks of liberty, but to do so may require a certain something:

Honduran protest

(Hint: “Huevos” in this context doesn’t mean “eggs.”)