Kyle Smith devotes a New York Post column to the political left’s long love affair with a 45-year-old scandal.
What is going on is that, like the flabby 59-year-old who can’t stop telling you how he scored the winning touchdown in high school, liberals can’t stop reliving the Watergate era. To them, Watergate stands for the twin milestones, never approached since, of taking out a Republican president and making heroes out of liberal reporters.
Today, after a year of breathless coverage of what still looks like an evidence-free Beltway urban legend about supposed criminal collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians to sway the 2016 election, there is still no reason to think the president is going to be impeached anytime soon. And last month a devastating Quinnipiac poll showed 58 percent of voters disapprove of the way the media covers Trump, 39 percent believe the media simply makes up stories about the president and only 54 percent trust the media more than Trump to tell the truth.
“Oh, well!” say lefty activists and their allies in journalism and the arts. Let’s just make believe.
“The Post” is one of several Watergate-inspired works Hollywood is pumping out to troll the Trump administration. HBO’s documentary “Newspaperman: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee,” debuted this month, while George Clooney just announced he is developing and executive-producing an eight-hour Watergate miniseries for Netflix.