The San Francisco Chronicle has a thoughtful editorial on the shortcomings of Proposition 82, which requires the state of California to provide three hours of preschool to all 4-year-olds. Funding will come from a $2 billion tax increase targeting those making more than $400,000 a year. Rob Reiner is leading the charge for Prop 82, and I am sure that his acting and directing experience makes him well equipped to discuss educational policy.

According to the editorial, Prop 82 would be subsidizing preschool for middle class children whose parents are already paying for it. Children from low-income families, who benefit the most from high-quality preschool programs, are already covered by state and federal dollars. In other words, those who can truly benefit from preschool programs are receiving government subsidies. There is little evidence that middle class children, who stand to benefit most from Prop 82, receive significant benefits from preschool. See this from the Reason Foundation.