The News & Observer today has a story with a similar theme to my post yesterday pointing to the differing reactions to the Duke lacrosse rape allegations and the Feb. 11 rape allegations at an off-campus fraternity party. What could possibly explain the lack of uproar? is the question the N&O asks but never answers because they are afraid to mention the words white and black.

By talking to the very people who rushed to judgment in March of 2006 — the infamous potbangers and irresponsible professors who pushed a concern for due process out of their minds in their zeal to make ideological points last year — the N&O comes to the nonsensical conclusion that fatigue over the Duke lacrosse case is the reason for the lack of outrage this time.

What the N&O didn’t have the courage to tell you is that the alleged rapist this time is black and the alleged victim is white. In fact, the N&O never mentions race in their story. It’s their policy, you see, not to mention race unless it is germane to the story, but how germane does it need to be?

There is every indication that political correctness — in this case not wanting to take to the streets against a black suspect and a black fraternity, and in support of a white accuser — is the major reason the potbangers stayed home this month and the professors kept their mouths shut. But you’d never know that by reading The News & Observer. No wonder blogs and other alternative media are eating print’s lunch.