The Washington Post does a story on people making more than $200,000 living in public housing in Fairfax County. Did they conclude that 1) cheats are taking advantage of the generosity of taxpayers, or 2) that there’s something wrong with a system that would allow this to happen? No, the WaPo writer came up with this incredibe conclusion:

The fact that higher-income families choose to remain in subsidized housing illustrates the critical lack of affordable housing in Fairfax, named the nation’s most affluent county last month by the Census Bureau.

Remember, this is The Washington Post, where the nation’s most talented journalists work. And remember, being the WaPo, it is a sure thing that several senior editors gave this story a read. It all made perfect sense to them. That should tell you everything you need to know about the state of journalism today.

(Link via Wizbang)