Kyle Smith writes at National Review Online that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has little in common with those who idolize her.
The person who popularized the handle “Notorious RBG,” a young lawyer named Shana Knizhnik who runs a Tumblr site of that title, says that Ruth Bader Ginsburg “embodies the larger-than-life nature of the ‘notorious’ title more and more as she gets older.”
No. No she does not. Ginsburg is a recessive, stiff, mild-mannered, halting, tight-lipped, mumbly, hunched, personality-challenged law-elf. It would be hard to think of a major public figure to whom the term “larger than life” is less applicable. …
… Unintended subtext is always fascinating in a progressive film, though, and what Cohen and West don’t notice is that Ginsburg’s life is an ongoing rebuke to the style of today’s Left. She was never in anybody’s face, never angry. She didn’t waste her time on demonstrations and marches. She was more interested in poring over legal briefs at 3 a.m. In arguing before the Supreme Court, where she won five of six cases she litigated, her strategy was to smile deferentially, as she did when William Rehnquist joked that having Susan B. Anthony on the dollar should be enough to placate those who decried sex discrimination. She once compared her role to that of a kindergarten teacher, and after she blasted Donald Trump by name in 2016, she meekly apologized and noted, correctly, that it was not her place to call out political figures.
What’s more, she happily played traditionally feminine roles early in life.