Ignore all the absurd back-and-forth between CATS and Parsons Transportation Group over who did what to the South Blvd. light rail line. City officials just hope that dust-up distracts everyone from the real issue, which is plunging ahead with building another $1 billion worth of trains.
As we’ve noted, county-wide train envy has kicked in, which means the $600 million line to UNCC and the $250 million commuter line up I-77 are on deck for approval from the Metropolitan Transit Commission. Tonight the MTC gets Ron Tober’s latest dog-and-pony Power Point presentation. Bring your popcorn.
In order to keep maximum political push behind train building, look to the MTC to find a way to move ahead with both the UNCC and I-77 projects.
Of course, the only way to stop these lunatics from wasting more money is to get the half-cent transit sales tax on the ballot for repeal in November 2007 and then actually repeal it.