The president can’t play a simple game of pick-up basketball — against our own Congressman Heath Shuler no less — without incurring the (admittedly half-hearted) wrath of the PC police:
Earlier in the day, reporters asked White House press secretary Robert Gibbs why no women were invited to play, a point Gibbs called “well taken.”
“The president, obviously, is someone who, as the father of two young daughters, has an avid interest in their competing against anybody on the playing field” Gibbs said. “The president’s certainly played basketball and other sports with women in the past, and I anticipate he’ll do so in the future.”
So, O would be OK with Malia and Sasha going up against the former NFL stud Shuler? Puleeze, Gibsy.
Worse than no women being invited, though, the line-up of players described by this Asheville Citizen-Times article is decidedly pasty white, straight, and rich. Where’s the Hope ‘N’ Change?