Stuart Taylor Jr. says Duke hasn’t learned from its lacrosse scandal. The place is still infected with the most virulent strain of due-process-killing political correctness:

In September, far from taking pains to protect its students from false rape charges, Duke adopted a revised “sexual misconduct” policy that makes a mockery of due process and may well foster more false rape charges by rigging the disciplinary rules against the accused.

Meanwhile, none of the 88 guilt-presuming professors has publicly apologized. (Duke’s president, Richard Brodhead, did — but too little and too late.) Many of the faculty signers — a majority of whom are white — have expressed pride in their rush to judgment. None was dismissed, demoted, or publicly rebuked. Two were glorified this month in Duke’s in-house organ as pioneers of “diversity,” with no reference to their roles in signing the ad. Three others have won prestigious positions at Cornell, Vanderbilt, and the University of Chicago.

Since they seem to be being rewarded for their egregious behavior it’s not surprising it continues.