The news that a good deal of schools failed to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) goals, as required by the federal No Child Left Behind law, has leaders scrambling to identify the reasons for failure and the options for improvement.  On State Government Radio with Donna Martinez, Lindalyn Kakadelis reported on NAEP sanctions regarding systems that do not make AYP, and how the Department of Public Instruction is going to enforce the least sanctions as possible. Because North Carolina is one of a few states engaging in federal-sanctioned pilot programs, where most states will be giving students the option to transfer after receiving word that their school failed, many NC students will have the tutoring option, instead. To explain where exactly the state stands on testing standards, Lindalyn took to Danbury to speak at a Freedom Works meeting. One of the ideas circulating around in Charlotte to save failing schools is to send the best teachers to the worst schools.  Charlotte blogger, Jeff Taylor‘s lambasting of the idea on the Meck Deck became the subject of a two-hour segment on Jason Lewis’ afternoon show on WBT. The truly sad thing here is that this suggestion came from the new Superintendent of CMS, Peter “catalyst-for-reform” Gorman.