Last year, when the Gang of 88 at Duke were in high dudgeon over the infamous rape hoax that victimized Duke lacrosse players, the News & Observer published a truly atrocious article by visiting professor Timothy Tyson in which the author wrote that (emphasis added)
The spirit of the lynch mob lived in that house on Buchanan Boulevard, regardless of the truth of the most serious charges. The ghastly spectacle takes its place in a history where African- American men were burned at the stake for “reckless eyeballing” — that is, looking at a white woman — and white men kept black concubines and mistresses and raped black women at will.
As Tyson and his hysterical colleagues repeated ad nauseam, the lacrosse players, even if they weren’t guilty of rape, were certainly guilty of rich, white male privilege that led them to think that black women were there for their sexual gratification, and that itself was a form of violent racism. The spirit of the lynch mob, as it were.
This weekend, “civil rights icon” Andrew Young argued that Hillary Clinton was a better candidate for black voters than Barack Obama because of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. The AP reports (emphasis added),
Young also quipped that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton has her husband behind her, and that “Bill is every bit as black as Barack.”
“He’s probably gone with more black women than Barack,” Young said of former President Clinton, drawing laughter from a live television audience. Young, 75, was quick to follow his comment on Bill Clinton with the disclaimer, “I’m clowning.”
LiveLeak the video of Young’s remarks (let me issue a warning about offensive language, after the video expires, contained in links to other videos).
It seems that if you are a rich white male Democrat, “going with black women” is your key to “blackness” — otherwise, you’re partaking in “the spirit of the lynch mob.”That is, if there is some kind of consistent thinking here other than the same old end-justifies-the-means relativism whereby whatever leftists hold to be the ‘truth’ today is what results in leftist political power at present.