Even Chris Matthews isn’t buying the Obama administration’s line on the controversial prisoner swap. The Daily Caller reports.
Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews continued his attacks on the Obama administration for the trade of five dangerous Taliban prisoners for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, slamming the White House’s claim that soldiers who served with Bergdahl are “swift-boating” him and asking “where is the dishonesty in the portrayal?” of Bergdahl as a deserter.
Matthews, who strongly questioned the trade even while facts continued to pour in on Monday, has been the only host on his network so far to even remotely challenge the Obama administration’s narrative on the prisoner trade and Bergdahl’s history of service.
And on Wednesday, he angrily rejected the characterization by Obama aides that the right-wing and Bergdahl’s former comrades were “swift-boating” the Army Sgt. — a reference to attacks made by then-presidential candidate John Kerry’s fellow servicemen on his record during his deployment in the Vietnam War. …
… “These are questions raised about a guy who left post, wrote letters, sent signals that he was leaving post as a matter of principle, he didn’t believe in the war effort,” he continued angrily. “And we don’t know what’s worse here, but the idea — where’s the dishonesty in the portrayal of Bergdahl so far? I haven’t seen it.”
“What’s been misconstrued about him so far?” Matthews asked. “I know there have been questions raised. I have those questions. Most Americans do.”