Apex Mayor Keith Weatherly is in a dispute with town councilman Bill Jensen over manmade global warming. According to the Cary News, Jensen wants the council to pass a resolution about global warming and the need for “green” buildings. Weatherly says Jensen’s view of global warming is based on junk science.

It now looks as if Jensen wants to work with the Cary mayor and council on a joint resolution. The paper reports on an e-mail exchange between Jensen and Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht.

Weinbrecht responded Sept. 8 by suggesting the towns may be able to work on a joint project.

Jensen replied in an e-mail saying he would be happy to work with staff in Cary.

He also said he might reword the resolution to sway Apex town council members.

Jensen would change the recommendation to a proclamation and reword “recommends” to say “suggests.”

“I will not hold my breath on this one,” Jensen wrote.

“There is no hope for getting anything through the Apex town council so long as Weatherly has the reins.”

I suggest Mr. Jensen watch this interview with JLF’s Roy Cordato about the push for “green” jobs and the global warming alarmism movement.